“unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. it’s not.” the lorax


After reading What The Eyes Don’t See, so many readers have asked, “But, what can I do to fight injustice? How can I make the world a better place?”

There is a lot that you can do. It starts with finding a passion. What keeps you up at night? Build a team. Make friends with people who are different from you. Stay loud, stubborn, and persistent. Don’t give up. Stay grounded in the cause.

And more:

  • Register to vote.

  • Vote on Election Day and get all your friends and family to vote!

  • Support journalists - subscribe to local and national newspapers.

  • Set up a meeting with your elected officials (mayor, state representative, state senator, city council, school board, drain commissioner, US representative, US senator, etc) and prepare a one-page document about an issue that you care about.

  • Write a letter to the editor.

  • Run for office.

  • Donate to a campaign.

  • Join and donate to an organization that you support (ie: Greenpeace, Children’s Defense Fund, ACLU, NRDC, UNICEF, United Way, Red Cross, etc).

  • Volunteer in your community.